forecourttech '24: October 16 -17, Asia Gardens Hotel, Alicante, Spain

Archives: Speakers

All our 2024 speakers

Sergio Padilla Navarro

Commercial Strategy Head, Valora
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Dror Wager

CEO & Co-Founder, ReaLo
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Tomasz Woźniak

CEO, Future Mind
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Sami Nachawati

Consulting Director, Comarch
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Jörg Heilingbrunner

CEO, Scheidt & Bachmann Energy Retail Solutions
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Matthijs Machielse

CTO, BigBrother
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Michel Hinfelaar

CEO, Haia Consultancy
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Christian Warning

Managing Director, The Retail Marketeers
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Ángel Ramón Cañizares García Retamero

Partner Utilities & Energy, NTT Data
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Jan-Harmen Akkerman

CEO , TanQyou
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Xavier Héry

Associate Director Fuel Retail and Commercial, BCG
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Richard Campion

Head of Fleet and Mobility, Visa
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Gray Taylor

Executive Director, Conexxus
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Dan Munford

Managing Director, Global Convenience Store Focus
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Arno Buijs

Head of Global Foodservice, Shell
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Mark Wohltmann – Conference Moderator

Director, NACS Global
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