forecourttech '24: October 16 -17, Asia Gardens Hotel, Alicante, Spain

Jörg Heilingbrunner


Jörg Heilingbrunner

Scheidt & Bachmann Energy Retail Solutions

Productivity Improvement through Generative AI

Jörg M. Heilingbrunner at Scheidt & Bachmann since 2011 has driven the transformation into cloud based solutions and new ways of working expanding S&B market leadership and becoming innovation leader in the industry. He has been in the fuel retail industry for more than 30 years as an entrepreneur. Starting his career at International Management Consultancy Roland Berger & Partner as well as a Brand Manager at Procter & Gamble with working experience in Asia and US. His background is a diploma in engineering at Technical University of Munich with studies in Spain, US and UK.”

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