forecourttech '24: October 16 -17, Asia Gardens Hotel, Alicante, Spain

François Mezzina

Payment Specialist

François Mezzina


Payment trends and insights

François Mezzina, Payment Specialist for TotalEnergies, Chairman of the General Assembly of nexo standards & President of the Board of the International Forecourt Standards Forum.

Appointed President of the IFSF board since 2020 & Chairman of the general assembly nexo standards since 2022, François has over 32 years’ experience in the Energy Marketing business and payment ecosystem with TotalEnergies. Since 2010, he has been focusing on Payment Acceptance activities for European Networks, factoring in all parties involved in payment. Since January 2017, in his new position as Payment Business Process Owner for TotalEnergies, he has responsibilities for all the various retail networks of the Company.

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