forecourttech 2025: 1-2 October, Asia Gardens Hotel, Alicante, Spain

A Preview of the IFSF 2024 Conference: ‘Driving the Future – Innovations & Standards in Sustainable Fuelling’

We’re just two weeks away from the IFSF 2024 annual conference, set to take place on 13–14 November at the stunning Pestana Douro Riverside Hotel in Portugal. This year’s theme, ‘Driving the Future – Innovations & Standards in Sustainable Fuelling’, promises an inspiring programme focused on the latest innovations, standards, and practices shaping the future of the fuel and convenience retail industry.


Open to IFSF Members and Non-Members

This event is open to both IFSF members and non-members, providing a unique platform to explore the cutting-edge developments redefining the sector. A few places are still available for those eager to engage with global experts, innovators, and thought leaders.

What to Expect: Insight, Innovation, and Networking

The two-day conference will offer attendees the chance to hear from industry leaders, discover emerging trends, and explore transformative technologies. It will feature a combination of keynote presentations and interactive sessions designed to stimulate debate and showcase how innovation and standards are key to driving the sustainable future of the industry.

Key highlights include:

Energize with Tech: innovating for tomorrow. Sofia Tenreiro, Partner at Deloitte, will set the stage by exploring the future of Mobility and Energy Retail.

– Global Retail Innovations from Around the World. Mark Wholtmann, NACS Global Director will moderate the conference and share his expert insights on the trends that are impacting the industry around the world and how retailers can innovate to stay ahead of the game.

Navigating the Future: The Imperative of Industry Standards. Ferenc Both, Director of Retail Technology at ExxonMobil will share the ExxonMobil global outlook for energy through 2025 and highlight the key changes that will impact fuel retail and explain his view on the critical importance of industry standards.

– Unleashing Growth and Sustainability with IFSF!  Alex Sanchez, Lead Business IT Infrastructure Expert at Q8 will share some real-life examples of how Q8 have used IFSF standards to efficiently grow their payments business.

  Digital becomes crucial when customers no longer pay at a pump. Why should the oil industry fear the Netflix effect. Jan Harmen Akkerman, CEO at TanQyou  and Moveyou will share his unique perspectives as both a Fuel Retailer and Digital Mobility Platform services provider on the digital imperative for the fuel retail and mobility industry.

– IFSF Reference Architecture and Roadmap. Jon Thompson, IFSF Strategy Manager, will introduce the IFSF Reference Architecture and share the latest version of the IFSF 3-year roadmap, highlighting how the plans align with the key messages delivered by the conference speakers.

– IFSF EV Charging Payments White Paper. Ian Brown, IFSF EFT Work Group Chair, will present an overview of the white paper that he has been drafting in collaboration with the Open Charge Alliance and the EV Roaming Foundation.  The paper explains how to use IFSF payment standards in conjunction with the OCPI and OCPP standards to support bank card and fuel card payment for EV charging stations.

– Driving innovation & enhancing competitiveness through the use of IFSF standards. Rui Dias, Product Manager at Petrotec, will kick-off day two of the conference by sharing how Petrotec are driving innovation and enhancing competitiveness for the entire mobility value chain, empowered by the use of IFSF and OpenRetailing standards.

– Supercharging the OpenRetailing Data Dictionary using Gen AI. David Ezell, Director of new initiatives at Conexxus, will share the work that he has been doing to make the joint IFSF and Conexxus (OpenRetailing) Data Dictionary more useful and powerful by using the latest Gen AI and Machine Learning concepts.

– OpenRetailing Data Dictionary Working Session. IFSF Directors Mirko Spagnolatti (Worldline) and Dan Harrell (GVR by Invenco) will lead a working session to gather feedback from delegates regarding the usability of the OpenRetailing Data Dictionary and seek input on what enhancements could be implemented in the future to make it even more powerful.

– IFSF and OpenRetailing Work Group Updates. Kees Mouws, Ian Brown and Clerley Silveira will share the latest developments and plans for the Forecourt, Car Wash, Payments, Mobile and Loyalty work groups.

– IFSF Testing & Certification Tools Strategy & API Simulators Overview. Jon Thompson will provide an update on the IFSF Testing & Certification Tools Strategy and Gonzalo Gomez (OrionTech) will share an overview of the API simulators that are available to allow developers to jumpstart their implementation of solutions that leverage the OpenRetailing API standards.

Exclusive Experience at Taylor’s Port Cellars

Delegates will also enjoy a memorable tour and dining experience at Taylor’s Port Cellars, one of the most prestigious port wine shippers in the region. This cultural highlight will offer both an educational and enjoyable networking opportunity.

Secure Your Spot

Whether you’re looking to gain industry insights, connect with peers, or explore the future of sustainable fuelling, the IFSF 2024 conference is an unmissable event.

Register for your place now: